Friday, October 15, 2004

Our menu today!

National Geographic ( September 2004) provide the `menu` to us CO2 level rise, Mercury climbs, Oceans warm, Glaciers melt,Sea level rise, Sea ice thin, Permafrost thaw, Wildfires increase, Lake shrink, Lake fresse up later, Ice shelves collapse, Droughts linger, Precipitation increases, Mountain streams run dry, Winter loses its bite, Spring arrives earlier, Autumn comes later, Plants flower sooner, Migration times vary, Habitats change, Birds nest earlier, Diseases spread, Coral reefs bleach, Snowpacks decline, Exotic species invade, amphibians disappear, Coastlines erode, Cloud forest dry, Temperatures spike at high latitude .... What I then want to provide to you? just three menus Hatred,Greedy, Ignorance..... Where is the love? loyalty? friendliness? alms given? attention? Perharp there are not anymore...???

1 comment:

Kinoy said...

why we should have to conquer hatred if we believe that there is true love...perharp we don't have to conquer such that...