Friday, August 10, 2007


Cairns, kota kecil ditepian Pacific..Dari Jakarta tidak selalu ada penerbangan ke Cairns, kalau gak salah seminggu dua kali. Pakai Garuda (Jetstar/Qantas), bisa pilih route Jakarta-Cairns (transfer di Singapore, transit di Darwin) atau Jakarta-Cairns (transfer di Denpasar, transit Darwin). Tiketnya gak jauh beda, sekitar 900 returns kalau beruntung bisa dapat lebih murah kalau apes ya lebih mahal:D.Untuk kocek yang gak cukup banyak, tenang aja! Banyak tersedia backpacker hostel dengan tarif mulai 20 US$ sampai 40US$ utk single lho, utk rame2 ya lebih murah lagi lah. Gua tinggal di Caravella backpacker, lumayan bagus, murah, bersih, ramah and aman. Permalam sekitar 42AUS$, dengan fasilitas makan malam and jemputan gratis dari airport (Shuttle bus tersedia dari airport ke kota sekitar 10AU$) Lokasi caravella pun enak dekat pantai, dekat pula ke pusat kota tapi gak terlalu bising.

Wilayah paling ramai di cairns adalah seputaran Esplanade street, banyak cafe2, breakfast lengkap ada yang nawari seharga 25 AUS$ lumayan lah..yang pasti bisa bikin kekenyangan. Kalau mau makan murah, ya masak sendiri, biasanya hostel/hotel pun ada yg nyediain tempat masak. Di Caravella sendiri kita disediain tempat masak, lengkap dg peralatan masaknya, juga ada setrikaan, mesin cuci (ini musti bayar pakai koin).
Yang paling sering orang nongrong adalah di sekitar lagooon, maklum bisa berendam di air dingin. Pengen ke Great Barier Reef?? gampang..gak perlu bisa diving, cukuplah dengan ongkos 60-70AU$ sudah bisa lihat2 GBR, pakai boat yg ada kacanya dibagian bawahnya, so gak perlu nyebur kan? Ongkos segitu pun sudah termasuk sewa snorkle, masker and fin. Tapi inget, walau kita dari tropis..teteplah pakai cream, karena matahari aussie ni emang ganasss deh..panasnya minta ampun..rasanya aku ni sehari aja disana sudah bener2 item gak bisa dibedain dg aborigin..mana cepet kebakar lagi nih kulit..dan walau winter pun jangan disangka bakal dingin deh...AC di kamarpun masih rajin menyala kalo siang, malam sih lumayan ..macam udara dibandung kalau malamnya.
Bagiku sih sebenarnya kotanya and pantainya biasa2 saja..memang ke Cairns kalau gak ke GBF ya rugi..krn di kotanya gak ada yg dilihat kecuali nongkrong makan aja..walau gitu ya gak ada salahnya deh maen ke Cairns..

Cairns July 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Do you remember the big earthquake followed by tsunami in 2004? I am sure that you remember that disaster...But do you know SIMELUE? the small island in western part of sumatra? i am pretty sure that most of you don't know about that island! This island is the closest island to the 2004 earthquake epicenter! But, do you know that in this island only few people die caused by that disaster. The literacy education of the old people have save their life from tsunamy, earthquake!
Well..i am getting in love with this island. The nature, the people and their food! Simelue is in Aceh province, islamic rule is implemented in this province. However, in my opinion many inhabitans are still away from islam itself. I don't want to talk about this anyway. However, you-who ever your believe is- are save enough going to this island. You-whoever you are-can enjoy much this island. I guarantee that!
You can reach this island from Medan (north sumatra) to Sinabang (Simelue) by airplain (riau airlines or smac airlines). It cost Rp.570 000 (around 57US$).The flight takes around 1.50 hour. Simelue island is 'Kabupaten-district' with Sinabang as the capital. Before earthquake, this island is famous for surfing. There especially in the western parth of island, you can find the nice beach with white sand, big wave, coconut tree...perfect for sunbath, surfng etc. But you can't do sunbath for woman using swimsuit only-it's prohibit now-. But no problem, you can keep enjoying the beach there. Some coral reefs have been uplift during the 2004 earthquake. Some i am sure that still living underwater there.
There are only two hostel where you can stay over the night. Both only available in Sinabang.It cost around 10US$/night. But i think camping is not bad choice to do there. Renting car-jeep-going around island is also good choice, it cost only around 60US$/day including driver and oil, although some part of this island only can be reached by taking a walk. How about food?? don't worry, food taste good there!Mostly it more like 'curry'...speise, much coconut milk, and hot. Compare to the main land Sumatra, indeed simelue is more expensive. However, this island is really nice..the people also nice..also, i can't wait to coming back..
Sinabang 19-24 July 2007